Jump Start Your College Career with Dual Enrollment Programs in Central Ohio

Are you a student in grades 7-12 looking to get a jump start on college? College Credit Plus (CCP) is Ohio's dual enrollment program that allows students to earn college and high school credits simultaneously. CCP covers the cost of tuition and fees for eligible students who enroll in courses online, on campus, or at select Christian high schools. Lyndsey, a law student, was able to take advantage of this program and complete the first two years of her degree at Ohio Central Technical College through CCP, saving money and earning a law degree. This program is an excellent way for students to get a head start on their college career while still in high school. Ohio Central Technical College is one of the many institutions that offer CCP courses.

Students can take advantage of this program to gain college credits and save money on tuition. The college offers a variety of courses that can be taken online or on campus. Additionally, select Christian high schools also offer CCP courses. The College Credit Plus program is an excellent opportunity for students in grades 7-12 to get a jump start on their college career. It allows them to earn college and high school credits at the same time while saving money on tuition.

Lyndsey was able to complete the first two years of her law degree through CCP, and you can too!Dual enrollment programs are an excellent way for students to get ahead in their college career while still in high school. With CCP, students can take advantage of the cost savings and gain college credits simultaneously. Ohio Central Technical College offers a variety of courses that can be taken online or on campus, as well as select Christian high schools that offer CCP courses. If you're looking for an opportunity to get a head start on your college career, consider taking advantage of dual enrollment programs like College Credit Plus. You'll save money on tuition and gain college credits while still in high school.