Gifted and Talented Education Programs in Central Ohio: Unlocking Your Potential

Are you looking for a gifted and talented education program in Central Ohio to help you reach your full potential? Look no further! There are a variety of programs available to help students of all ages and backgrounds unlock their potential. From STEM programs to summer enrichment programs, there is something for everyone. The Columbus State Community College offers an annual, no-cost STEM program for high school students. This program provides the necessary resources and strategies to help students earn their Associate of Science degree.

Universal design for learning is used to ensure that all students, including those with disabilities and English language learners, have access to the same opportunities. At Ohio Connections Academy, gifted students can enroll in advanced courses in all subjects or specialize in their areas of interest. They also offer scholarships for summer enrichment programs for gifted and talented Central Ohio students in grades 3-11. For more than 20 years, families have worked together to learn about the education and enrichment of gifted children, the social and emotional development of gifted children, and the advocacy of all gifted students in Columbus City schools. High school seniors who have a strong academic record and are interested in studying and exploring careers in science and engineering can take advantage of a free six-week residential academic enrichment program.

Young high school and high school women can experience mathematics through engaging activities in a non-traditional environment with a summer program. No matter what your educational goals are, there is a gifted and talented education program available in Central Ohio that can help you reach them. With the right resources and support, you can unlock your potential and achieve your dreams.